Thursday, December 23, 2010

Getting JSR 308 Type Annotations Compiler working under Maven

Carrying on with the JSR 308 Type Annotations compiler, the instructions are out of date for Maven too.
I finally got it working after a fashion. I think the plugin is irredeemably about of date without editing it and recompiling. Hopefully this will get done at some point in the future, but until then I got it working by making the following changes.
Firstly, the groupId has changed to types.checkers in the repository, so the dependencies should be:

Next as the plugin is broken you need to put an explicit link to the jsr308-all.jar location (which isn't very maven-like, but works).

<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\javac.exe</executable>


Anonymous said...

Superb post! I wish i had the writing abilities you had. Anyway, thanks for Iyour hard work, please maintain it up.

codementors said...


I've written new jsr-308 checkers plugin for maven 2 because the original plugin seems to be broken (i'm unable to download plugin from

Go to if you want to use it. Enjoy.